Large hadron collider phenomenology : proceedings of the Fifty Seventh Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, St. Andrews, 17 August to 29 August 2003 / edited by M. Krämer, F.J.P. Soler ; series editor J.F. Cornwell. - Library Edition: Conceptual Physics - Edinburgh : Bristol : SUSSP ; Institute of Physics Pub., c2004. - xv, 473 p : ill., ports. ; 25 cm. - Scottish graduate series / Institute of Physics . - Scottish graduate series. .

Co-sponsored by The Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP), University of Durham.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

9780367899464 (Set) 9780367842628 (hbk)

Large Hadron Collider (France and Switzerland)--Congresses.
Hadron interactions--Data processing--Congresses.

539.7216 / LAR-L

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