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Kalighat paintings : from the collection of Victoria and Albert Museum, London and Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata / edited by Suhashini Sinha and C. Panda.

By: Sinha, Suhasini [Editor].
Contributor(s): Sinha, Suhashini | Panda, Chitta [Editor] | Victoria and Albert Museum | Victoria Memorial (Museum : India).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: London : V & A Pub. in association with Mapin Pub., 2011Description: 111 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm.Content type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9781851776658 (V & A); 1851776656 (V & A); 9788189995669 (Mapin); 8189995669 (Mapin); 9781935677215 (Grantha); 1935677217 (Grantha).Subject(s): Painting, Kalighat -- Exhibitions | Victoria and Albert Museum -- Exhibitions | Victoria Memorial (Museum : India) -- ExhibitionsDDC classification: 709.5
Kalighat paintings in the V & A collection / Suhashini Sinha -- Kalighat paintings at Victoria Memorial Hall / Piyasi Bharasa -- Kalam patua: from the interstices of the city / Jyotindra Jain -- Materials and techniques of Kalighat paintings / Michael J. Wheeler and Lucia Burgio -- Catalogue. Religious subjects ; Social commentaries, proverbs and animals ; British and European influence ; The Tarakeshwar affair ; Named artists and the end of the century ; Kalighat themes in different media ; Contemporary Kalighat painting.
Summary: Kalighat painting developed in the vicinity of the Kali temple in Kolkata, India, in the mid-nineteenth century. The paintings were completed on mill-made paper, stripped of decoration and traditionally feature only one or two characters. Kalighat paintings were some of the first to incorporate secular themes, while also showing satirical depictions of the growing European influence on Kolkata. This beautiful book reveals the Kalighat (literally 'home of Kali') paintings from the V & A's extensive collection and includes work from the prestigious Victoria Memorial Hall in Kolkata. Striking new photography accompanies essays from leading experts on the craft and a scientific analysis of the pigments and materials used in the paintings. The book also highlights the work of contemporary artists who are creating Kalighat paintings with a modern twist, based on and inspired by the work of nineteenth-century artists. Exhibition: Victoria & Albert Museum, London (Fall, 2012).
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Books Books RGU Central Library
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709.5 SIN-K (Browse shelf) Available 65467
Books Books RGU Central Library
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709.5 SIN-K (Browse shelf) Available 65468
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Catalog of a touring exhibition between the V & A, London, and The Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata.

Kalighat painting developed in the vicinity of the Kali temple in Kolkata, India, in the mid-nineteenth century. The paintings were completed on mill-made paper, stripped of decoration and traditionally feature only one or two characters. Kalighat paintings were some of the first to incorporate secular themes, while also showing satirical depictions of the growing European influence on Kolkata. This beautiful book reveals the Kalighat (literally 'home of Kali') paintings from the V & A's extensive collection and includes work from the prestigious Victoria Memorial Hall in Kolkata. Striking new photography accompanies essays from leading experts on the craft and a scientific analysis of the pigments and materials used in the paintings. The book also highlights the work of contemporary artists who are creating Kalighat paintings with a modern twist, based on and inspired by the work of nineteenth-century artists. Exhibition: Victoria & Albert Museum, London (Fall, 2012).

Includes bibliographical references.

Kalighat paintings in the V & A collection / Suhashini Sinha -- Kalighat paintings at Victoria Memorial Hall / Piyasi Bharasa -- Kalam patua: from the interstices of the city / Jyotindra Jain -- Materials and techniques of Kalighat paintings / Michael J. Wheeler and Lucia Burgio -- Catalogue. Religious subjects ; Social commentaries, proverbs and animals ; British and European influence ; The Tarakeshwar affair ; Named artists and the end of the century ; Kalighat themes in different media ; Contemporary Kalighat painting.

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