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Global finance after the crisis : the United States, China and the new world order / Richard A. Iley and Mervyn K. Lewis.

By: Iley, Richard A, 1970- [Author].
Contributor(s): Lewis, Mervyn | Edward Elgar Publishing [issuing body.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd., c2013Description: xiii, 294 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.ISBN: 9781781951859 (hardback); 1781951853 (hardback); 9781781951866 (ebook); 1781951861 (ebook).Subject(s): International finance | Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 | United States -- Economic conditions | China -- Economic conditionsDDC classification: 332.042 Online resources: Elgar Online (Restricted to University of Ottawa)
1. The rapidly changing world economy -- 2. The great recession -- 3. Global finance and payments imbalances -- 4. The role of monetary policy -- 5. The post-crisis world -- 6. China's prospects and challenges -- 7. The US external position -- 8. The redback, the greenback and the troubled euro -- 9. Conclusions.
Summary: Richard Iley and Mervyn Lewis have written an extremely useful book on the global economy since the Western financial crisis. Well-written, well-informed and easily accessible to non-economists, it offers much good sense about many questions, from the future of the renminbi to that of the United States. They wisely urge that, as China's rise continues, the United States should engage with China rather than resist it. This is a book full of good judgement that deserves a wide readership. Martin Jacques, author, When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order The interplay between the macro-economic imbalances, notably in the relationship between the USA and China, and the more micro-economic shortcomings of the Wests financial systems, particularly the lax regulation, forms the centre-piece of this excellently written book. In the disputes about the relative culpability of China and the USA for current macro-economic problems, they tend to support the Chinese arguments, and give well-considered arguments for so doing. This book provides an excellent, clear, and at times provocative, assessment of the course of the macro-monetary problems of the world since the "great recession" struck. Charles A.E. Goodhart, London School of Economics, UK This thought-provoking book addresses challenging questions raised in light of the aftermath of the global financial crisis that saw an accelerated rise in the economic growth of China and other emerging market economies, while the US, Japan and Europe have laboured under the great recession. The authors examine global post-crisis reordering in a long-run context, identify five fundamental flaws in global bank business models and document the explosion of gross capital flows. They tackle difficult-to-answer lines of enquiry such as: can zero interest rates and quantitative easing lift the advanced world back to growth, or will they be dragged down by the overhang of debt? Might costs on savers, retirees and distortions to the pattern of global financing render zero rates counter-productive? What issues face the BRICs? Could China as number one see the renminbi soon challenge the dollar and the euro as a major international currency? Providing a detailed analysis of the post-crisis world and the issues posed by the rise of China and emerging market economies relative to developed countries, this book will prove a stimulating account for academics, students and researchers in the fields of economics, money, finance and banking, and world trade. Bank and market economists as well as policymakers based in central banks, governments and think-tanks will also find this book to be an invaluable reference tool.
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332.0415 WRI-T Venture Capital/ 332.0415 WRI-V Venture capital 332.0415 WRI-V Venture Capital/ 332.042 ILE-G Global finance after the crisis : 332.042 SHA-G Global financial contagion : 332.042019 PIX-E Emotions in finance : 332.0942 POW-E Evolution of the money market, 1385-1915 :

Richard Iley and Mervyn Lewis have written an extremely useful book on the global economy since the Western financial crisis. Well-written, well-informed and easily accessible to non-economists, it offers much good sense about many questions, from the future of the renminbi to that of the United States. They wisely urge that, as China's rise continues, the United States should engage with China rather than resist it. This is a book full of good judgement that deserves a wide readership. Martin Jacques, author, When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order The interplay between the macro-economic imbalances, notably in the relationship between the USA and China, and the more micro-economic shortcomings of the Wests financial systems, particularly the lax regulation, forms the centre-piece of this excellently written book. In the disputes about the relative culpability of China and the USA for current macro-economic problems, they tend to support the Chinese arguments, and give well-considered arguments for so doing. This book provides an excellent, clear, and at times provocative, assessment of the course of the macro-monetary problems of the world since the "great recession" struck. Charles A.E. Goodhart, London School of Economics, UK This thought-provoking book addresses challenging questions raised in light of the aftermath of the global financial crisis that saw an accelerated rise in the economic growth of China and other emerging market economies, while the US, Japan and Europe have laboured under the great recession. The authors examine global post-crisis reordering in a long-run context, identify five fundamental flaws in global bank business models and document the explosion of gross capital flows. They tackle difficult-to-answer lines of enquiry such as: can zero interest rates and quantitative easing lift the advanced world back to growth, or will they be dragged down by the overhang of debt? Might costs on savers, retirees and distortions to the pattern of global financing render zero rates counter-productive? What issues face the BRICs? Could China as number one see the renminbi soon challenge the dollar and the euro as a major international currency? Providing a detailed analysis of the post-crisis world and the issues posed by the rise of China and emerging market economies relative to developed countries, this book will prove a stimulating account for academics, students and researchers in the fields of economics, money, finance and banking, and world trade. Bank and market economists as well as policymakers based in central banks, governments and think-tanks will also find this book to be an invaluable reference tool.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-286) and index.

1. The rapidly changing world economy -- 2. The great recession -- 3. Global finance and payments imbalances -- 4. The role of monetary policy -- 5. The post-crisis world -- 6. China's prospects and challenges -- 7. The US external position -- 8. The redback, the greenback and the troubled euro -- 9. Conclusions.

Mode of access: World Wide Web.

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