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Multiple gravity assist interplanetary trajectories / Alexei V. Labunsky, Oleg V. Papkov, and Konstantin G. Sukhanov.

By: Labunsky, Alexei V [Author].
Contributor(s): Papkov, Oleg V [Author] | Sukhanov, Konstantin G [Author].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Earth Space Institute book series on public and private sector interest in space: v. 3.Publisher: Australia : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, c1998Edition: Library Edition: Particle & high energy physics.Description: vi, 285 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.ISBN: 9780367900014 (Set); 9780367850180 (hbk).Subject(s): Space trajectories | Celestial mechanics | Orbital mechanics | Gravity assist (Astrodynamics)DDC classification: 629.411 Online resources: Table of contents | Publisher description
Machine generated contents note: 1. Dynamic scheme, models, and methods of analysis of spacecraft -- trajectories using gravity assist maneuvers -- 1.1. Dynamic scheme -- 1.2. Effect of perturbation maneuvers on the spacecraft orbital -- characteristics -- 1.3. Flight paths; methods of study -- 2. Methods and algorithms for the development of optimal -- multi-purpose missions -- 2.1. Graphic-analytical method -- 2.2. Application of the graphic-analytical method to multi-purpose -- mission analysis -- 2.3. A universal algorithm for the synthesis of spacecraft multi-purpose -- missions -- 2.4. Formation of multi-purpose spacecraft missions in the solar system -- 3. Ballistic methods in multi-purpose interplanetary spacecraft design -- 3.1. Isoline method -- 3.2. Optimization of design and ballistic characteristics of multi-purpose -- spacecraft -- 3.3. Optimization of design solutions based on the generalized criterion -- method -- 4. Analysis of multi-purpose schemes of interplanetary flight -- 4.1. Nomographic analysis of spacecraft multi-purpose paths in the -- solar system -- 4.1.1. Paths to Mars and Venus -- 4.1.2. Recurrent and periodically-recurrent trajectories -- 4.1.3. Flights to Mercury -- 4.1.4. Flights to Jupiter -- 4.1.5. Flights to Saturn -- 4.1.6. Flights to Uranus -- 4.1.7. Flights to Neptune and Pluto -- 4.1.8. Nomographic analysis of the perturbation potential of the -- Earth in interplanetary flight schemes -- 4.1.9. Flights to the sun -- 4.2. Numerical studies of some promising schemes of planetary flights -- 4.3. Examination of periodical recurrent trajectories with multiple -- flybys of Mars and Earth -- 5. Multi-purpose flights in planetary-satellite systems -- 5.1. Natural planetary satellites and their perturbation potential -- 5.2. Formation of spacecraft orbits in planetary satellite systems -- 5.3. The use of gravity assist maneuvers to orbit the spacecraft -- as an artificial planetary satellite -- 5.4. Multi-purpose flight schemes to natural planetary satellites -- 6. Flights to small bodies in the solar system -- 6.1. Examination of flight schemes to comets -- 6.2. Examination of flight schemes to asteroids -- 7. Solution of navigational problems for multi-purpose missions -- at near-planet segments of the flight trajectory -- 7.1. Formation of descent and flyby trajectories -- 7.2. Determining the trajectories of interplanetary probes -- 7.3. Examples of application of the methods of planetocentric -- orbit analysis -- References -- Author index -- Subject index.
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Reference Reference RGU Central Library
Reference 629.411 LAB-M (Browse shelf) Not For Loan 77734
Total holds: 0

Includes bibliographical references (p. 267-277) and indexes.

Machine generated contents note: 1. Dynamic scheme, models, and methods of analysis of spacecraft -- trajectories using gravity assist maneuvers -- 1.1. Dynamic scheme -- 1.2. Effect of perturbation maneuvers on the spacecraft orbital -- characteristics -- 1.3. Flight paths; methods of study -- 2. Methods and algorithms for the development of optimal -- multi-purpose missions -- 2.1. Graphic-analytical method -- 2.2. Application of the graphic-analytical method to multi-purpose -- mission analysis -- 2.3. A universal algorithm for the synthesis of spacecraft multi-purpose -- missions -- 2.4. Formation of multi-purpose spacecraft missions in the solar system -- 3. Ballistic methods in multi-purpose interplanetary spacecraft design -- 3.1. Isoline method -- 3.2. Optimization of design and ballistic characteristics of multi-purpose -- spacecraft -- 3.3. Optimization of design solutions based on the generalized criterion -- method -- 4. Analysis of multi-purpose schemes of interplanetary flight -- 4.1. Nomographic analysis of spacecraft multi-purpose paths in the -- solar system -- 4.1.1. Paths to Mars and Venus -- 4.1.2. Recurrent and periodically-recurrent trajectories -- 4.1.3. Flights to Mercury -- 4.1.4. Flights to Jupiter -- 4.1.5. Flights to Saturn -- 4.1.6. Flights to Uranus -- 4.1.7. Flights to Neptune and Pluto -- 4.1.8. Nomographic analysis of the perturbation potential of the -- Earth in interplanetary flight schemes -- 4.1.9. Flights to the sun -- 4.2. Numerical studies of some promising schemes of planetary flights -- 4.3. Examination of periodical recurrent trajectories with multiple -- flybys of Mars and Earth -- 5. Multi-purpose flights in planetary-satellite systems -- 5.1. Natural planetary satellites and their perturbation potential -- 5.2. Formation of spacecraft orbits in planetary satellite systems -- 5.3. The use of gravity assist maneuvers to orbit the spacecraft -- as an artificial planetary satellite -- 5.4. Multi-purpose flight schemes to natural planetary satellites -- 6. Flights to small bodies in the solar system -- 6.1. Examination of flight schemes to comets -- 6.2. Examination of flight schemes to asteroids -- 7. Solution of navigational problems for multi-purpose missions -- at near-planet segments of the flight trajectory -- 7.1. Formation of descent and flyby trajectories -- 7.2. Determining the trajectories of interplanetary probes -- 7.3. Examples of application of the methods of planetocentric -- orbit analysis -- References -- Author index -- Subject index.

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