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The standard model and beyond / Paul Langacker, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

By: Langacker, P [Author].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Series in high energy physics, cosmology, and gravitation: Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2017]Copyright date: ©2017Edition: Second edition.Description: xiii, 636 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.Content type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9780367900014 (Set); 9780367850128 (hbk).Subject(s): Standard model (Nuclear physics)DDC classification: 539.72
Notation and conventions -- Review of perturbative field theory -- Lie groups, lie algebras, and symmetries -- Gauge theories -- The strong interactions and QCD -- Collider physics -- The weak interactions -- The standard electroweak theory -- Neutrino mass and mixing -- Beyond the standard model.
Summary: "The Standard Model and Beyond, Second Edition, presents an advanced introduction to the physics and formalism of the standard model and other non-abelian gauge theories. It provides a solid background for understanding supersymmetry, string theory, extra dimensions, dynamical symmetry breaking, and cosmology. The book covers the development of the technology of particle physics, including Feynman diagrams and relevant group theory. The first edition was highly praised. This second edition brings the physics up to date after the first run of the LHC, and includes new material on the Higgs boson; neutrino mass and mixing; collider physics; dark matter; flavor physics; and electroweak physics"-- Provided by publisher.
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"The Standard Model and Beyond, Second Edition, presents an advanced introduction to the physics and formalism of the standard model and other non-abelian gauge theories. It provides a solid background for understanding supersymmetry, string theory, extra dimensions, dynamical symmetry breaking, and cosmology. The book covers the development of the technology of particle physics, including Feynman diagrams and relevant group theory. The first edition was highly praised. This second edition brings the physics up to date after the first run of the LHC, and includes new material on the Higgs boson; neutrino mass and mixing; collider physics; dark matter; flavor physics; and electroweak physics"-- Provided by publisher.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 535-604) and index.

Notation and conventions -- Review of perturbative field theory -- Lie groups, lie algebras, and symmetries -- Gauge theories -- The strong interactions and QCD -- Collider physics -- The weak interactions -- The standard electroweak theory -- Neutrino mass and mixing -- Beyond the standard model.

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