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Data center storage : cost-effective strategies, implementation, and management / Hubbert Smith.

By: Smith, Hubbert [Author].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boca Raton, FL : Auerbach Publications, c2011Description: xxiv, 343 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.ISBN: 9781439834879 (hardback).Subject(s): Computer storage devices | Electronic data processing departments -- Management | BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Production & Operations Management | COMPUTERS / Information Technology | COMPUTERS / Networking / GeneralDDC classification: 004.5 Other classification: BUS087000 | COM032000 | COM043000 Summary: "This work provides a storage industry insiders insight on how to properly scope, plan, evaluate, and implement storage technologies to maximize performance, capacity, reliability, and power savings. It covers all types of storage technology, including SAN, capacity-optimized drives, and solid-state drives. Written for IT managers, data center managers, and CIOs, the book offers strategies for minimizing risk and cost when implementing storage technology, including how to reduce air conditioning costs and overall power consumption. It also analyzes cloud technology and its effects on an organizations storage strategies"-- Provided by publisher.
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Reference Reference RGU Central Library
Reference 004.5 SMI-D (Browse shelf) Not for loan 81987
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004.3503 PAD-E Encyclopedia of parallel computing: 004.3503 PAD-E Encyclopedia of parallel computing: 004.3503 PAD-E Encyclopedia of parallel computing: 004.5 SMI-D Data center storage : 004.6 DEN-M Mobile opportunistic networks : 004.65 VER-I Introduction to contextual processing : 004.67 ZHA-M Mobile WiMAX :

Includes index.

"This work provides a storage industry insiders insight on how to properly scope, plan, evaluate, and implement storage technologies to maximize performance, capacity, reliability, and power savings. It covers all types of storage technology, including SAN, capacity-optimized drives, and solid-state drives. Written for IT managers, data center managers, and CIOs, the book offers strategies for minimizing risk and cost when implementing storage technology, including how to reduce air conditioning costs and overall power consumption. It also analyzes cloud technology and its effects on an organizations storage strategies"-- Provided by publisher.

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