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Graphene, carbon nanotubes, and nanostuctures : techniques and applications / edited by, James E. Morris, Kris Iniewski.

Contributor(s): Morris, James E, 1944- | Iniewski, Krzysztof, 1960-.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Devices, circuits, and systems.Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2013Description: xiv, 350 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 9780367837280; 9781466560567 (hardback).Subject(s): Nanostructured materials | Graphene | Nanotubes | TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Circuits / General | TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Material Science | TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Nanotechnology & MEMSDDC classification: 621.3815 Other classification: TEC008010 | TEC021000 | TEC027000 Summary: "Assembling the latest research in the field of nanofabrication technology in one place, this book exposes readers to myriad applications that nanofabrication technology has enabled. With contributions from both academia and industry, this book can be used as a reference, advanced graduate course, or for investers trying to familiarize themselves with the nanofabrication landscape"-- Provided by publisher.
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"Assembling the latest research in the field of nanofabrication technology in one place, this book exposes readers to myriad applications that nanofabrication technology has enabled. With contributions from both academia and industry, this book can be used as a reference, advanced graduate course, or for investers trying to familiarize themselves with the nanofabrication landscape"-- Provided by publisher.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

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