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Nanoscale silicon devices / edited by Shunri Oda, David K. Ferry.

Contributor(s): Oda, Shunri | Ferry, David K.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2016]Copyright date: ©2016Description: xii, 288 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm.Content type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9781482228670; 9780367846275; 148222867X.Subject(s): Nanoelectromechanical systems | Nanotechnology | Silicon crystals -- Electric propertiesDDC classification: 621.38152
Physics of silicon nanodevices / David K. Ferry and Richard Akis -- Tri-gate transistors / Suman Datta -- Variability in scaled MOSFETs / Toshiro Hiramoto -- Self-heating effects in nanoscale 3D MOSFETs / Tsunaki Takahashi and Ken Uchida -- Spintronics-based nonvolatile computing systems / Tetsuo Endoh -- NEMS devices / Yoshishige Tsuchiya and Hiroshi Mizuta -- Tunnel FETs for more energy-efficient computing / Adrian M. Ionescu -- Dopant-atom silicon tunneling nanodevices / Daniel Moraru and Michiharu Tabe -- Single-electron transfer in Si nanowires / Akira Fujiwara, Gento Yamahata, and Katsuhiko Nishiguchi -- Coupled Si quantum dots for spin-based qubits / Tetsuo Kodera and Shunri Oda -- Potential of nonvolatile magnetoelectric devices for spintronic applications / Peter A. Dowben, Christian Binek, and Dmitri E. Nikonov.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Physics of silicon nanodevices / David K. Ferry and Richard Akis -- Tri-gate transistors / Suman Datta -- Variability in scaled MOSFETs / Toshiro Hiramoto -- Self-heating effects in nanoscale 3D MOSFETs / Tsunaki Takahashi and Ken Uchida -- Spintronics-based nonvolatile computing systems / Tetsuo Endoh -- NEMS devices / Yoshishige Tsuchiya and Hiroshi Mizuta -- Tunnel FETs for more energy-efficient computing / Adrian M. Ionescu -- Dopant-atom silicon tunneling nanodevices / Daniel Moraru and Michiharu Tabe -- Single-electron transfer in Si nanowires / Akira Fujiwara, Gento Yamahata, and Katsuhiko Nishiguchi -- Coupled Si quantum dots for spin-based qubits / Tetsuo Kodera and Shunri Oda -- Potential of nonvolatile magnetoelectric devices for spintronic applications / Peter A. Dowben, Christian Binek, and Dmitri E. Nikonov.

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