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Laser beam shaping applications / edited by Fred M. Dickey (FMD Consulting, LLC Springfield, MO, USA), Todd E. Lizotte (Via Mechanics (USA) Inc., Londonderry, NH, USA).

Contributor(s): Dickey, Fred M, 1941- [edt] | Lizotte, Todd E [edt].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2017]Copyright date: ©2017Edition: Second edition; Library Edition: Advanced Laser Science.Description: xiv,429p.Content type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9780367899097 (Set); 9780367844325 (hbk).Subject(s): Laser beams | Beam opticsAdditional physical formats: Online version:: Laser beam shaping applicationsDDC classification: 621.366
Illuminators for microlithography / Paul Michaloski -- Laser beam shaping in array-type laser printing systems / Andrew F. Kurtz, Daniel D. Haas, and Nissim Pilossof -- Practical UV excimer laser image system illuminators / Jeffrey P. Sercel and Michael von Dadelszen -- Micro-optics for illumination light shaping in photolithography / Reinhard Voelkel -- Beam shaping for optical data storage / Edwin P. Walker and Tom D. Milster -- Laser isotope separation with shaped light / Andrew Forbes and Lourens Botha -- Applications of diffractive optics elements in optical trapping / Ulises Ruiz, Victor Arrizón, and Rubén Ramos-García -- Laser beam shaping through fiber optic beam delivery / Todd E. Lizotte and Orest Ohar -- Laser beam shaping by means of flexible mirrors / T. Yu. Cherezova and A.V. Kudryashov -- Application of laser beam shaping for spectral control of "spatially dispersive" lasers / I.S. Moskalev, V.V. Federov, S.B. Mirov, T.T. Basiev, and P.G. Zverev -- Beam shaping: a review / Fred M. Dickey and Scott C. Holswade.
Summary: "Since the advent of the laser, many applications have required shaping the laser beam irradiance profile. A few of the primary applications include material processing, including welding, cutting, and drilling; and medical procedures, such as corneal surgery and cosmetic skin treatments. Other applications include laser/material interaction studies, lithography, semiconductor manufacture, graphic arts, optical data processing, and military uses. Laser Beam Shaping Applications is a companion to Laser Beam Shaping: Theory and Techniques. It treats in detail how laser beam shaping is implemented in several major applications"-- Provided by publisher.
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Reference 621.366 DIC-L (Browse shelf) Not For Loan 77836
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"Since the advent of the laser, many applications have required shaping the laser beam irradiance profile. A few of the primary applications include material processing, including welding, cutting, and drilling; and medical procedures, such as corneal surgery and cosmetic skin treatments. Other applications include laser/material interaction studies, lithography, semiconductor manufacture, graphic arts, optical data processing, and military uses. Laser Beam Shaping Applications is a companion to Laser Beam Shaping: Theory and Techniques. It treats in detail how laser beam shaping is implemented in several major applications"-- Provided by publisher.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Illuminators for microlithography / Paul Michaloski -- Laser beam shaping in array-type laser printing systems / Andrew F. Kurtz, Daniel D. Haas, and Nissim Pilossof -- Practical UV excimer laser image system illuminators / Jeffrey P. Sercel and Michael von Dadelszen -- Micro-optics for illumination light shaping in photolithography / Reinhard Voelkel -- Beam shaping for optical data storage / Edwin P. Walker and Tom D. Milster -- Laser isotope separation with shaped light / Andrew Forbes and Lourens Botha -- Applications of diffractive optics elements in optical trapping / Ulises Ruiz, Victor Arrizón, and Rubén Ramos-García -- Laser beam shaping through fiber optic beam delivery / Todd E. Lizotte and Orest Ohar -- Laser beam shaping by means of flexible mirrors / T. Yu. Cherezova and A.V. Kudryashov -- Application of laser beam shaping for spectral control of "spatially dispersive" lasers / I.S. Moskalev, V.V. Federov, S.B. Mirov, T.T. Basiev, and P.G. Zverev -- Beam shaping: a review / Fred M. Dickey and Scott C. Holswade.

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