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1. ACTA: XVIII congressus internationalis ornithologici V.D.Ilyichev

by Ilyichev, V.D [edt].

Material type: book Book Publisher: Moscow Moscow Nauka 1985Availability: Items available for loan: RGU Central Library [Call number: 598 ILY- A] (1).

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2. Birds nests and construction behaviour: Mike hansell

by Hansell mike.

Material type: book Book Publisher: United kingdom Cambridge university 2000Availability: Items available for loan: RGU Central Library [Call number: 590 HAN-B] (1).

3. Nest building and bird behavior: Nicholas e. collias and Elsie c. collias

by Collias, nicholas e | Elsie c. collias.

Material type: book Book Publisher: United Kingdom Princeton university press 1984Availability: Items available for loan: RGU Central Library [Call number: 590 COL-N] (1).

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